Page name: Lifted: The Film [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-08-18 06:12:40
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Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

Part Five:

Part Six:

Part Seven:

Part Eight:

Part Nine:

Part Ten:

Part Eleven:

Part Twelve:

Part Thirteen:

Part Fourteen:


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2010-04-05 [XxTsomexX]: That's so sick :D

2010-04-05 [Rhymes With Orange]: Bahahahahaha thanks XD I can't wait to get the actual thing up but we kinda have like half of it still to shoot :P

2010-04-07 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: It looks so great I want to watch it Now!!!! ... it makes me curious about the wolf thing though 0_o and that we don't really truly know how everyone goes... but you do.

2010-04-08 [Rhymes With Orange]: Muahahahahaha. I actually had Alyssa plan out how she wanted it to go, and she came up with a pretty good idea. And it didn't have to involve live wolves, so it's all good :P

2010-04-08 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: What is this type of film called again?

2010-04-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: It's just a full-length feature. No specific types :) But I wanted to start this one first cuz the other film I have to do is a short stop-motion one and Lifted is the first thing I'm shooting with this camera, so we'll see how this next project goes :/

2010-07-11 [Erubeus]: I hope there are bloopers involving Patrick~
It would amuse me.

2010-07-11 [Rhymes With Orange]: Oh yes. He makes up a good chunk of them :P

2010-07-12 [Erubeus]: Oh dear god I can't wait.

2010-07-12 [Rhymes With Orange]: They're pretty epic, I must say XD

2010-08-02 [Rhymes With Orange]: Ah it's almost done it's almost done it's almost done :D :D :D

2010-08-03 [Erubeus]: =O

2010-08-05 [Rhymes With Orange]: Myay the official movie's about halfway done as of 5 minutes ago :D

2010-08-17 [Rhymes With Orange]: Tis finished guys! :D I'll put it up later tonight when I'm not in the middle of moving :P

2010-08-18 [Erubeus]: Grr. Part 5 is skippy. >:'(

2010-08-18 [Rhymes With Orange]: Daaaaaaaaangittt. My internet is so crappy right now too. I thought I'd be done like 2 hours ago and I'm still going :(

2010-08-18 [Erubeus]: XD Man, the internet sux today.

2010-08-18 [Rhymes With Orange]: True dat :/

2010-08-18 [Rhymes With Orange]: Well team, it's all up now :D I'll get bloopers up in a sec, but the whole film is done now.

2010-08-18 [Erubeus]: You guys are so not professional. XDDD Making faces in the background. <3
Bloopers for the win!

2010-08-19 [XxTsomexX]: I already LOVE Elli XD <3

2010-08-19 [Rhymes With Orange]: Bahahhaha I love the bloopers so effing much XD Tsome, how far are you in the movie?

2010-08-19 [XxTsomexX]: I just barely got to watch it XD lol

2010-08-19 [Erubeus]: I think my favorite part through the whole movie was Eli's epic ninja roll into the bush. XD

2010-08-19 [XxTsomexX]: oh no lol

2010-08-19 [Rhymes With Orange]: Bahahahahahahaha oh gawd we had to rewind that like 10 times when the cast watched it XD Best. idea. ever.

2010-08-20 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Eile's "Slayter smash!" was pretty funny too!!!

2010-08-20 [Erubeus]: Oh my god, yes. XD

2010-08-20 [Rhymes With Orange]: Bahahaha Matt didn't know that was in there, so when we watched it on Monday night he was like "What the hell?!" XD It was hilarious, he wouldn't talk to Emily for like 15 minutes

2010-08-21 [Akayume]: :O

2010-08-21 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: If I become a famous director... would I have your permishion to remake this movie... ?

2010-08-21 [Rhymes With Orange]: Permission granted :)

2010-12-13 [XxTsomexX]: Part 14 isnt working for me :'(

2010-12-14 [Rhymes With Orange]: Oh sad :( And that's the best part!

2010-12-14 [XxTsomexX]: I know!! im gonna try again.

2010-12-14 [XxTsomexX]: FINALLY WORKED!! So sad :(

2010-12-15 [Rhymes With Orange]: Yay! Glad you liked it :)

2011-11-21 [Erubeus]: You removed it from youtube?

2011-11-23 [Rhymes With Orange]: For now :( Since we're advertising it around campus and the script hasn't changed much, we took it down so people couldn't go online and see the whole movie before the new version is done. But we'll probably put it back up and compare it to the new one or something. But the new one will definitely be up when we're done :)

2011-12-03 [Akayume]: :D

2012-03-11 [Erubeus]: Yay~ =D

2012-03-29 [Rhymes With Orange]: Hey :D Thought I'd let you know, we're almost done filming the second version! We'll mainly be done on Sunday. So we'll have a trailer and Facebook page up soon :-) Also, you guys are in the special thanks in the credits cuz you're wonderful :-)

2012-03-30 [XxTsomexX]: Yay! -:D

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